
The victory continues series of the loyalty and honors aalthnyaan Tomorrow and in attendance President of administration of the victory honor aalthnyaan in organic permanent honorability The athlete - Riyadh

Administration club of the victory decided honoring of Fahad Bin Mohammed aalthnyaan Secretary General previous for the clubs and remainder members of expensive council the administration tomorrow Wednesday is estimate from the administration for their efforts in the last period. The first for attack foot starts ceremony of the honoring after end practices of the team. AbdulRahman intervenes the ceremony word for the prince Bin Saud head of the club. Last word for Fahad aalthnyaan Secretary General previous for the clubs. Exposure of some parts comedic and the fiery games then dinner party. Administration club of the victory in statement announced journalistic have fun that the honorary membership permanent for the club will progress for Fahad aalthnyaan. In addition to armor the golden club his estimate for efforts. The prince AbdulRahman was Bin Saud praised in what presented him aalthnyaan throughout period did him in the clubs. Descriptive his that he was similar to  The spine